Books: Visibility has represented numerous books authored by marketers and market researchers. Some of our favorites include:
The Power of Glamour
Longing and the Art of Visual Persuasion
Virginia Postrel
Simon & Schuster 2013
Empathetic Marketing,
How to Satisfy the 6 Core Emotional Needs of Your Customers
Dr. Mark Ingwer
Palgrave Macmillan 2011
Pam Danziger, president, Unity Marketing
Let Them Eat Cake: Marketing Luxury to the Masses as well as the Classes (2005)
Dan Hill, president, Sensory Logic
Emotionomics: Leveraging Emotions for Business Success (2010)
About Face: The Secrets of Emotionally Effective Advertising (2010)
Emotionomics: Winning Hearts and Minds (2007)
Robert Passikoff, Ph.D., president, Brand Keys
Predicting Market Success: New Ways to Measure Customer Loyalty and Engage Consumers with your Brand (2006)
The Certainty Principle: How to Guarantee Brand Profits in the Consumer Engagement Marketplace (2008)